How To Avoid Car Repair Rip-offs

Good mechanics are worth their weight in oil. These masters of motors help keep your car in top shape, but don’t drain your wallet for each fix. Unfortunately, not all shops are so diligent. Here are three common car repair scams, and the advice from The Car Husband on how to avoid them.

How Dishonest Mechanics Work

Dishonest mechanics may exploit the unaware by hyping up a service, with confusing technogobblykook, or suggesting “shotgun” repairs. If you hear, “Your car is going to (explode, burn, die) if you don’t do this,” be wary and get a second opinion. Rarely is such a repair a dire emergency. Dishonest and inexperienced mechanics might suggest […]

10 Tips to Get the Most Out of a Tank of Gas

Rising gas prices highlight the need to squeeze every mile out of a gallon of gas Last year, Russia’s aggression against Ukraine rocked the petroleum market, and Americans saw the impact of the war in higher gas prices at the pump. Even as prices have fallen, the national price average of $4.45 a gallon for regular […]

Where to Go for Car Maintenance and Repairs?

What you should look for in finding a good repair shop:  Before you consider where to take your vehicle for maintenance and repair, you need to understand the difference between the two. Routine maintenance items are those listed in your vehicle’s owner’s manual as part of your car model’s service schedule. They are intended to […]

The 20 Most Common Mechanic Scams

How do you find a good mechanic? Word of mouth and recommendations from friends and family are the top two ways, but searching online is a close third. Still, it’s a good idea to do more than ask Siri or Google for the best car repair shop near you. Do your research. Read reviews, both positive […]

Winter Driving Tips

Severe weather can be both frightening and dangerous for travelers. Winter storms, bad weather, and sloppy road conditions are a factor in nearly half a million crashes and more than 2,000 road deaths every winter, according to research by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Here, The Car Husband tells what drivers should know about safety rules […]

What Your Vehicle Needs Before Winter Snow and Ice Hits

Before it’s too late, The Car Husband vehicle experts say now is the best time to have a winter weather checkup done on your car With the possibility of the first snowfall this season just around the corner, our vehicle maintenance experts say now is the best time to prepare your car. In fact, there’s […]

Winter Windshield Wiper Care

When you have to leave your vehicle outside during winter, you’re likely looking for ways to make it as ready to go as possible. One thing that a lot people do is to leave their windshield wipers up off the windshield when snow or ice is in the forecast. The thought is that your wipers […]

How To Tell If You Need New Windshield Wipers?

You already know, windshield wipers have one purpose and that is to go back and forth, back and forth every time Mother Nature decides to direct a rain or snow storm towards your area. Seeing what they do each day there is rain, snow or bugs, it’s really no wonder why they get worn out.  […]

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