Finding The Best Mechanic

No matter how well you take care of your car, everyone is going to have to take their vehicle to the mechanic at some point. And as there are probably a few different mechanics in your area, which one do you take your car to? Here, the car husband is trying to help you in […]

How To Squeeze More Miles Per Gallon

Ease the pain at the pump with these tips from the Car Husband for better fuel economy. Surely, every driver has complained about the price of gas at one time or another. Unfortunately, we can’t control the price of gasoline, but we can relieve some of the pain at the pump by increasing our vehicles’ […]

Buying or Leasing The Pros and Cons

Should you buy or just lease a car? What are the Pros and Cons? Car buying Buying a car allows you full ownership and control of the vehicle. You can make any modifications and sell it whenever you please. However, owning a car also means you are responsible for all maintenance and depreciation costs. Additionally, […]

How To Find the Right Auto Mechanic

When you want to hire an auto mechanic, it pays to be thorough in selecting the best available professional. It pays to be thorough in selecting the best available automotive professional. An amateur auto repair job can seriously damage your car. Look for a qualified automotive professional who can get the job done right. Here […]

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